Functions / Roles
UBL Cell
A full time UBL director and the assistant for general support and administrative tasks (including accounting and controlling) manage the UBL Cell. The UBL Cell is provided with the necessary office space and equipment.
- The UBL Cell functions as an one stop shop for UBL and interaction with all sectors (private sector, …)
- The UBL Cell is responsible for channelling all request from private sector to the respective faculties and for receiving and distributing funds and income from UBL projects.
UBL Director
The UBL Director should have working experience in the academic as well in the private sector.
- The UBL Director is the main promoter and facilitator for UBL at the University level, in the private sector and in society and the main contact person, for request from private sector
- He is responsible for identifying funding sources and acquire financial support.
- He is responsible for the financial management of the UBL Cell
- He is the main coordinator of the UBL team
- He is responsible to channel request transparently to faculties (via UBL faculty coordinators)
- He provides information and advice to the private sector about UBL opportunities
- He is responsible for the overall monitoring (including feedback management), for preparing and presenting the monthly report to the steering committee
- He assures the effective coordination between faculties
- He is responsible for contact and knowledge management
- He convokes an organizes monthly meeting with UBL team
- He establishes contact to other UBL cells for experience exchange
UBL Faculty Coordinators
- The UBL Faculty Coordinators are the main contact persons for UBL at the faculty level and is nominated by the faculty board
- They are responsible for creating UBL awareness inside the faculty
- They are responsible for disseminating information and project opportunities
- They are responsible to identify UBL opportunities and to inform and update the UBL director
UBL Team Members
- The UBL team members (1-2 per faculty) are responsible for creating UBL awareness inside faculty and nominated by faculty board
- They are responsible to support the faculty coordinator in identifying UBL opportunities
- They are responsible to attend the regular UBL meetings
- They are responsible to support in UBL project implementation and monitoring
UBL Steering Committee
The executive board has at least X members
- The Steering Committee is responsible for advising, supervising and supporting smooth functioning of UBL cell
- The Committee is responsible for reviewing financial and status reports
- The Committee is responsible to approve the annual UBL cell budget
- The Committee is responsible for hiring and firing UBL cell staff
The UBL Steering Committee consists of:
- Vice Chancellor,
- Rector
- Deans of all UBL faculties
- One Representative of University Council (Lawyer, Legal Adviser)
- Representatives from regional chambers (active chambers?)
- Industry Representative
Financing Sources
The funds required to finance the UBL cell and the implementation of the respective UBL projects are raised by
- Gifts, donations, support funds, subsidies and other transfers,
- Income from MSME training fees and consulting services.
Potential external financial supporter are
- Other Ministries
- Development Banks in Sri Lanka
- GIZ (2016-2019)
- USAID and others
- Diaspora
- Big companies in Sri Lanka
- Industry Development Board
- Chambers
- Foreign partners (Universities and others)