Senate Standing Committee on Quality Assurance (SSCQA)
Internal Quality assurance systems in Universities were strengthened through the establishment of the Internal Quality Assurance Units (IQAUs) by a UGC Circular No. 04/2015. IQAC’s administrative and financial controls were managed through a Management Committee which was chaired by the Director of the IQAU as per this circular.
By an amended UGC Circular No.09/2019, IQAU has renamed the Center for Quality Assurance (CQA) and the Management Committee of the IQAU was converted to a Standing Committee of the Senate of the University. Accordingly, Eastern University, Sri Lanka established the Senate Standing Committee on Quality Assurance (SSCQA) for the administrative and financial controls of CQA. The composition of the SSCQA was established as per Annex 1 in that UGC Circular. The Vice-Chancellor serves as the Chair of the SSCQA.
Members of SSCQA
- Prof. V.Kanagasingam - Vice Chancellor (Chairman)
- Dr. T.Prabaharan - Deputy Vice Chancellor
- Prof. (Mrs).C.G.Devadason - Rector / Trincomalee Campus
- Prof. (Mrs) F.B.Kennedy - Director / SVIAS
- Senior Prof. P.Vinobaba - Dean / Science
- Prof. (Mrs). P. Premanandarajah - Dean /Agriculture
- Prof. N.Rajeshwaran - Dean / Commerce & Management
- Prof. T.Sathaananthan - Dean / Health-Care Sciences
- Prof. T.Mathiventhan - Dean / Technology
- Prof. J.Kennedy - Dean/ Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Dr. V.Gunapalasingam - Dean / Arts and Culture
- Dr. V.Anavarathan - Dean / Siddha Medicine, TC.
- Mr. S.Loheeswaran - Dean /Applied Science, TC.
- Mr. T.Baskar - Dean / Communication and Business Studies, TC.
- Dr. P.Elango - Acting Director / CQA
- Mr. A.Pahirathan - Registrar
- Mr. M.M.Mohamed Fareez - Bursar
- Dr. W.J.Jeyaraj - Librarian
- Prof. S.Sithambaresan - Director / SDC
- Prof. S.Jeyarajah - Director / CEDEC
- Dr. (Mrs.) B.Raveendrakumaran - Coordinator / FQAC - FAG
- Dr. R.Premkumar - Coordinator / FQAC - FAC
- Ms. S.Sritharan - Coordinator / FQAC - FCM
- Dr. M.Roshini - Coordinator / FQAC - FHCS
- Mrs. U. Mathiventhan - Coordinator / FQAC - FSC
- Dr. (Mrs.).N.Suthamathy - Coordinator / FQAC - FOT
- Ms. Khedika Krishnaraj - Coordinator / FQAC - FAS TC
- Mr.V. Jeniston Delima - Coordinator / FQAC - FCBS TC
- Dr. (Mrs). B.Uthayanan - Coordinator / FQAC - FSM TC
- Dr. (Ms) J.Vignarajan - Coordinator / IQAC - SVIAS
- Dr. (Mrs.).J.Suresh - Secretary / IQAC - CEDEC
- Mrs. L.Jegatheesparan - Coordinator / LQAC - Library
- Prof. S.Sutharsan - Member / Programme Reviewer
- Prof. S.Arasaretnam - Director / CGU
- Dr. K. Premakumar - Coordinator/ FGS
- Dr. T.Geretharan - Director / SSSW
- Dr. K.Arulanandem - Director / CICL
- Dr. P.Rodney Fernando - Director / CMR
On Invitation
In Attendance
- Mrs. N. Nirumithan - Deputy Registrar / AAD (Secretary)
- Ms. Madhusha Senanayake - Assistant Registrar / CQA