Strategic Planning and Statistical Unit (SPSU)
Strategic Planning and Statistical Unit (SPSU)
According to the public Enterprises Guidance of Good Governance by the Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Finance and requirement of the UGC, having a corporate plan is essential for an institution. A Corporate plan incorporates strategies regarding the future direction of the University. For this reason, it is vital that the Corporate Plan should be realistic and attainable, if actual performance is to be in line with fixed targets. It also a reflection of the commitment by the senior management in the future prospects of an Institute
The essential for a separate unit for Corporate Plan was recognized. In accordance, the Strategic Planning Unit was ceremonially established by the Vice-Chancellor on November 10th, 2014 in Eastern University. It was established to facilitate the Strategic Planning, Implementation of the plans and to follow good practice given in the Public Guidelines for good Governance. Later the unit name was changed to Strategic Planning and Statistical Unit as this unit is intended to handle both the Strategic planning as well as the Statistics of the University.